Sinan Emre Şekerci established W Clinics in order to provide the best healthcare services
to his patients and to carry healthcare services to a new dimension. He received his
dentistry education at Ataturk University and worked on various aesthetics and study
groups on “Aesthetic Approaches in Dentistry”. In his clinical practice, he especially
prefers microscopic and digitally supported approaches and shows interest in current
publications and meetings on these subjects. He offers courses and seminars microscopeaided smile design and the use of composite materials in dentistry as well as anterior
region restorations.
Sinan Emre Şekerci is one of the international trainers of the IADS (International
Association of Dental Students). He is also a member of the Aesthetic Dentistry Academy
Association (EDAD), one of the largest dentistry communities in the world, and is one of
the founders of GençEDAD, subgroup of EDAD, and was a board member.
Sinan Emre Şekerci, advocates that patients should always be treated in the best way and
constantly follows the newest and most current treatment approaches. He also claims that
the aesthetic approach should be included in every part of daily treatment practice